Completion of Transit and Fire Hall Addition
During the spring of 2023 construction began on the Custer County Fire Hall expansion (3,600 square feet) and the building of the Custer County Transit barn and office (4,000 square feet). These additions were constructed on the north and south sides of the Custer County Fire Hall respectively. The total cost of these two projects was approximately $1.6 million. The funding for the Custer County Transit was obtained through a grant with which included Federal Transit Administration funds distributed by Montana Department of Transportation and matched with 15% by Custer County. The funding for the Custer County Fire Hall expansion was funded by a grant through United Stated Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Coal Board Grants the remainder from Custer County existing revenue.

Windfarm Impact Fees
Impact Fees on Windfarm during 2023 we negotiated with Portland General for impact fees from the wind farm in northern Custer County. These fees are set by statute and may not exceed 0.5% of the total cost of constructing the wind generation facility. It was agreed that Custer County would receive .5% of the construction cost over a 3 year period. That agreement provides Custer County with $2,075,000 in 2023, 2024 and 2025, which totals $6,225,000.
Event Center Kitchen
Custer County Event Center kitchen was completed in the fall of 2023. This project was funded through existing revenue along with a grant by Montana Department of Commerce, Tourism which funded the majority of the costs. This fully functional commercial kitchen will attract even more groups to use the Custer County Event Center. Additional lights were installed in the parking area to provide additional safety for event center users. We have also installed a camera system to help identify who is responsible for damages when they occur. The Custer County Event Center is booked into next year, especially on weekends. It is rapidly becoming a destination site for statewide organizations.
Deadman Bridge progressing with final permit approvals pending and the contractor bid was awarded to COP Construction, LLC with replacement to occur in 2024.
In January 2023 Officials that were-elected-Newly elected during the General Election of 2022, take office. Re-Elected Officials are Commissioner Jason Strouf, Clerk and Recorder Linda Corbett, Justice of the Peace Mark Hilderbrand, County Attorney Wyatt Glade and County Treasure Tara Moorehead. Newly Elected Officials Sheriff Brandon Kelm, Commissioner Jeff Faycosh and County School Superintendent Carla Begger.
Working with Luci’s Office, Inc. Custer County has a Revised and much improved website (Custercountymt.gov), which has resulted in favorable feedback. We also embraced social media and have a Custer County Facebook page (Custer County, Montana). The use of these two mediums allow easier access to elected officials as well as timely updates to issues in Custer County Government.
November 1, 2023 County Attorney Wyatt Glade resigned his position to pursue his career goals. Shawn Quinlan who has served as Deputy County Attorney was appointed as Interim County Attorney until the next election (2024).
Woodruff Park
Woodruff Park the only Custer County Park was established in the 1960’s. This park was developed after receiving a Bureau of Land Management Patent transferring the property to Custer County to be used as a park. Woodruff Park had been neglected and had fallen into disrepair. The Bureau of Land Management invoked the conditions of land transfer and was threatening to take back the property if Custer County didn’t maintain the park. Although the county hadn’t funded a budget to maintain the park, citizens had cleaned up some trash and the county road department would blade some of the roads on a semi-annual basis. A public meeting was held, the citizens who attended brought forth some viable uses for the park including an 18-hole disc golf course. Eric Peterson the landowner surrounding the park also wanted to see the park stay open. The Commission approved a $15,000 budget for the park, the access road, through an easement across Peterson’s property was graveled and bladed. A long-term capital improvement planning grant is being applied for which will include Woodruff Park.
Custer County Growth Policy is completed; thank you to the Custer County Planning Board and all of the citizens who provided input and guidance to update this plan for our community.
The Solid Waste Landfill is needing to open a new lined pit for household garbage by the end of 2024. This project is estimated to cost the Solid Waste Landfill District about $3.5 million.
Grants applied for:
a. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) update and Fairgrounds long term strategic plan.
b. Applied for a planning Montana Coal Endowment Program (MCEP) grant for three bridge replacements on Kircher Road and Bitterroot Road.
Custer County joined 48 other counties in Montana to contest the states assessment of 95 equalization school mills. This is property tax that the State of Montana assess to offset the General Fund which pays for the Montana Constitutional obligation to equalize school funding. The State of Montana sued the local counties in order to assess the full 95 mills and the Supreme Court ruled that the state has the authority to carry forward mills. This means that this property tax assessment is not subject 15-10-420 as is the rest of the property tax assessments.
New Senior Center
The new Senior Center will be located at the SE corner of the intersection of North Haynes and Leighton in the old Custer Lodge. We were awarded a $750,000 grant Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through Montana Department of Commerce toward this project. The estimate based off the Preliminary Architectural Report was $4,150,039. In January 2024 a contract will be signed with an architect to design the senior center, with a targeted completion date of Fall 2025.
New sewer line to the Grandstands and improved the water line to the Grandstands. Started a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for storm water drainage on the Fairgrounds so that any improvements or additions will be done to encourage storm water runoff and not to create low laying land that accumulates water.
GIS department completed rural road infrastructure inventory mapping. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system that analyzes and displays geographically referenced information.
Hired a new Department Head for Custer County Transit (Charlie Despain) and a new Director for Council on aging (Keli Anderson).
Commissioner Jason Strouf was elected to Montana Association of Counties (MACo’s )Fiscal officer.
Commissioner Kevin Krausz was appointed by Governor Gianforte to the State 911 Advisory Board.