Variance Request
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Custer County Planning Board will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 5:30 pm in the Custer County Fire Hall Meeting Room at 200 North Haynes Ave, Miles City, Montana. The Board will consider the following agenda item and make a recommendation to the Custer County Board of Commissioners, who will take final action.
A variance for the Custer County Subdivision Regulations requirement of Second or Emergency Access in major subdivisions for the subdivision Preliminary Plat application submitted by Wilhelm Surveying on behalf of Mark Weeding for the Log Creek Major Subdivision.
The proposed subdivision has one point of access to ten (10) residential lots east of MT Highway 59. The proposed subdivision involves 403 total acres, and the property is legally described as ACRES 528.31, ALL, LESS WEEDING MINOR SUBD TR M-1 AMND OF COS 183166 IN NWSW, LESS TR 1 AMND OF COS 182217 IN S2S2 of Section 32, Township 7 North, Range 48 East, P.M.M., Custer County, Montana. Geocode 14-1641-32-1-01-01-0000 and Parcel number 000RGD0426. Copies of the proposal are available for public review at the Custer County Planning Office.
Verbal or written comments may be given at the public hearing. Written comments are encouraged to be submitted and should be received by 5:30 p.m. on March 20, 2025, and may be sent to the Custer County Planning Department at PO Box 16, Miles City, Montana, 59301, or
Preliminary Plat Review
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Custer County Planning Board will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 5:30 pm in the Custer County Fire Hall Meeting Room at 200 North Haynes Ave, Miles City, Montana. The Board will consider the following agenda item and make a recommendation to the Custer County Board of Commissioners, who will take final action:
A subdivision Preliminary Plat application has been submitted by Wilhelm Surveying on behalf of Mark Weeding for the Log Creek Major Subdivision. The proposal is to create ten (10) residential lots from a single tract of land located east MT Highway 59. The proposal involves 403 total acres, and the property is legally described as ACRES 528.31, ALL, LESS WEEDING MINOR SUBD TR M-1 AMND OF COS 183166 IN NWSW, LESS TR 1 AMND OF COS 182217 IN S2S2 of Section 32, Township 7 North, Range 48 East, P.M.M., Custer County, Montana. Geocode 14-1641-32-1-01-01-0000 and Parcel number 000RGD0426. Copies of the proposal are available for public review at the Custer County Planning Office.
Verbal or written comments may be given at the public hearing. Written comments are encouraged to be submitted and should be received by 5:30 p.m. on March 20, 2025, and may be sent to the Custer County Planning Department at PO Box 16, Miles City, Montana, 59301, or